...товарище-англичане, я снова к Вам. Нашла ссылку на любопытный для меня тест, но сомневаюсь в результатах, поскольку смутно знаю английский язык. Есть ли альтруист, готовый перевести ряд вопросиков?
What Watase Yu character are you? (girls only)
-How is your relationship with your parents?
-Things are really great between us. We're super close.
-Pretty good. We get along as well as any teenager does with their parents.
-Eh. Things have been pretty strained lately.
-Pretty bad. I think they want to kill me.
-I don't have any parents. I just live with other relatives since they died.
How about with your siblings?
-Awesome. We're best friends.
-Not bad, we fight sometimes, but that's normal.
-It's not going so well at the moment. We're at each other's throats. Literally.
-No siblings.
Who is your rival?
-My brother/sister.
-My best friend.
-Some malevolent force.
-This other girl that I know.
Where do you hang out with your friends?
-School clubs.
-The library - gotta pass those entrance exams.
-Other dimensions.
-I seem to be spending a lot of time in hospitals...
What kind of hair do you have?
-Gonna start long then chop it all off later at a turning point in my life.
How would people describe you?